Thursday, November 21, 2013

WISE brought out the Leader in me
My name is Askale Negash.  I am a member of one of the Saving and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) organized by Women in Self Employment (WISE) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  I became a member of the cooperative in the year 2000.  I was a housewife before joining the cooperative and had no income of my own.  The dual benefits I obtained from the SACCO include the opportunity to gain various business skill trainings that led me join the micro-business sector in addition to the different cycle loans I have taken from the cooperative that helped me to expand my business so as to become a successful and productive business woman. My family’s basic financial problems were resolved through the income generated by the business and I was able to overcome poverty. 
The Leadership trainings I obtained from WISE equipped me with better self-esteem and confidence eventually getting me elected as a Chairperson for my SACCO which also paved the way for my becoming a coordinator for the Local Women’s Association for which I also get monthly payment.             

Additionally, I gave voluntary service to orphan children together with people in my community.  I am also able to continue with my education which I impeded long ago and I am now in 8th grade. 

WISE equipped me with all the courage I needed that nurtured and helped me to get out of the kitchen.
Askale Negash, Andenet SACCO Kirkos Sub-City

Women in Self Employment (WISE) is one of the four partner institutes of the African Centers of Excellence (ACE) for Women's Leadership program run by the Institute of International Education (IIE) , Ethiopia Office.

For more on IIE , ACE or WISE please follow the links below.

Monday, November 18, 2013

AMwA- Alumni of the Month

In this special edition of our alumni of the Month we invite you to read about the leadership journey of one determined Ugandan lady who will leave no stone unturned for social justice; A feminist who profoundly speaks of her AWLI memories and how this experience has continued to shape her leadership journey; You will definitely be inspired and stimulated to attend the AWLI.

Getting to know Jean Kemitare

I am passionate about women's rights (especially in Africa) and confident to stand up for these rights as evidenced by my relentless commitment to speak for women. I am assertive and work best by putting forces together to push the values that I hold dear, so while you may not hear/ see me in the media 'breathing fire' many times I will stroke the fire for any women's rights position. My gift of persuasiveness has enabled me to 'light the fire'. I am a social person who easily builds and maintains rapport with a cross section of people across the social spectrum; an arsenal for movement building. My cheerfulness warmth and hard work are some of the key attributes that define my personality as an African woman of Strength.

Sharing her AWLI experience and how it has impacted her personal life and career development through the years

I think I can describe it as my 'click moment'. As I was joining Raising Voices in the job interview I was asked if I was a feminist and I felt I was not – because like many people I was misled about the concept and ideology of feminism. However my 2 weeks in the AWLI made me realize I AM a feminist, I do claim the term and am not afraid to label myself as feminist despite the unfortunate misconceptions that exist about feminism. From the AWLI I gained a lot of confidence in public speaking as well. We talked at length about transformational leadership and for me that concept stuck in my mind, many times I reflect on my work/ actions and debate with myself; is this actually going to contribute to positive transformation of power relations between women and men because that is something am passionate about.

Are there any unique aspects of the AWLI training that have proved particularly effective on improving your work with women?

Yes very many; I will try to elaborate some– standing up for what you believe no matter what! The AWLI awakened the conscious working towards positive social transformation as opposed to band aid remedies hence my interest in movement building for social change.
Confidence to speak out and speak up! Weather by mouth or pen! Understanding patriarchy as an oppressive system with this has come the understanding and interpretation of its impact on every sphere of women's lives hence diminished the temptation to be judgmental about any woman's decisions especially those that are unable to leave abusive relationships. I also learnt how to be a mentor/ positive influence in many people's lives around me – transformational leadership!
The biggest unique aspect was developing the ability to QUESTION! Why do we accept everything we are told as 'gospel truth'? Inability to question has led human kind into many unfortunate experiences and it is worse for women everywhere. That ability to question even things that were passed on to me as divine truth is a big lesson I got from the AWLI.
Networking was a big aspect of the AWLI – some bonds I still have held and work with even across borders.

Would you recommend any young woman to undertake the AWLI training?

YES!!!!!!!!! Obviously for many reasons but I shall cite a few;
• the ability to question should be nurtured in every woman!
• Meeting so many other women from different contexts opens your eyes and provides you invaluable networks that last a lifetime
• The AWLI will provide any young women to understand her life deeply on a personal level and make meaning out of it
• Concretizing one's life goals, or even setting some for those without any at the time!
• Developing professional skills
• Immense personal and career development

Dealing with the challenges we continually face as we advocate for women's rights

I think the fact that no matter who we are; where we are; we are faced with similar challenges as women, this is in a way solidarity. All over the region we have similar histories and double impact patriarchy – (indigenous and colonial) impact our lives in similar ways. No matter the challenges or differences that may threaten the movement's existence we come back to the same place – trying to dismantle patriarchy and the effects it has on us all! So I would say feelings of solidarity have supported the women's movement through the years many women remain committed to advocating for the full realization of women's rights in every sphere of life.

New challenges and New opportunities for African women's Organising Today

• We are facing increased fundamentalisms that are pushing back on gains made previously. In searching for our own identity dangerous doctrines have crept into our ways of life and as usual these affect women more with increase public and private control of women's bodies, and actions
• We have unclear discourses that have crept into concepts like gender, gender – based violence, empowerment etc these have lost their politicized meanings making women's rights work more technical than political
• Fatigue from development partners/ or change in trends? i.e. funding women's rights is now 'out of fashion'?


• With the development of technology it is now possible to mobilise in a short time over a large geographical spread using social media and other ICTs
• We could also strategically use traditional media to change attitudes and beliefs many more people have access to media – and believe in it
• With many more women receiving formal education politicizing the movement is easier

"Women Rising"; what is your message for young women interested in political leadership in your Country?

I applaud them! And go further than that to encourage young women especially to join politics we need more women in decision making arenas. However I would urge them to attend the AWLI first and any other such institutes, the political space is extremely patriarchal and unless one understands patriarchy and its enforcement mechanisms their bright ideas/ dreams/ aspirations can quickly turn into disillusionment/ co-option as they try to manoeuvre the political sphere, or to survive!

Leaving a Foot Print

A courageous woman who had immense positive influence on the personal and professional lives of many people especially women.

AKina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA) is one of the four partner institutes of the African Centers of Excellence (ACE) for Women's Leadership program run by the Institute of International Education (IIE) , Ethiopia Office.

For more on IIE , ACE or AMwA please follow the links below.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Activism Alert…. Taking a Stand!

A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” ~Diane Mariechild

I believe every person, and more so every woman has potential and possibility, beauty and greatness within themselves which if nurtured can transform the society for greatness. However, if placed in the wrong environment and not nurtured, this potential and beauty can be chocked.

My name is Ann Gloria Njoki .A feminist, human rights activist and a founder of Deaf Outreach program have a Bachelor’s degree in Community Development from Daystar University in Kenya and I am passionate about inclusion of marginalized groups in the global and local development agenda. I love to work with persons in the community and find joy in empowering persons to reach their full potential.

All along I have had a special interest and passion for the Deaf community and hence in the year 2011 Deaf Outreach program (DEAFOP) was established. The main reason I began my work at DEAFOP was to bridge the existing development gap between the deaf and the community. Deafness being a ‘silent ‘disability and forming a minority in numbers, most often end up going unnoticed and their voices remain silent. They remain an easy target for discrimination and human right abuses. Our work is focused on advocating for deaf rights through amplifying the voice of the deaf, empowering the deaf persons in development and encouraging mainstreaming of development to include the deaf community The experience at the YWLI Bi-annual Feminist Leadership institute was life changing and full of fun interacting with young women leaders from across the country and awesome facilitators who mentored us as sisters rather than superiors.The training at YWLI gave me a new insight on feminism; it also equipped me with the skills to be a healthy professional young woman leader and sparked a desire to also give a special focus on young deaf girls and deaf women who are in a more vulnerable position within the community to vices such as rapes, domestic violence, forced domestic labour, early pregnancies, and dropping out from school.

My deepest wish for the world is that every girl would be given an opportunity and nurtured to develop into their full potential without any form of discrimination regardless of her ability or disability. 

Young Women's Leadership Institute (YWLI) is one of the four partner institutes of the African Centers of Excellence (ACE) for Women's Leadership program run by the Institute of International Education (IIE) , Ethiopia Office.

For more on IIE , ACE or YWLI please follow the links below.